The Liquidator, Jeff and his friend alien

The Liquidator

91 episodes x 30 mins.
Genre: Documentary Series
Year: 2015

Jeff Schwarz has bought and sold his way up the food chain to become the owner of Direct Liquidation — one of the biggest liquidation houses west of the Rockies. Flea market haggler, storage locker trader and pawnshop owner, he’s traded up to become the “Liquidation King”. He now has 30,000 square feet of warehouse space chock full of ever-changing oddities, household goods and urban artifacts that are going to make him rich. For Jeff, every day is a gamble. Sometimes he wins big. Sometimes he gets swindled. Sometimes the negotiation goes sour. There’s no security in his world except to chase the next deal.

THE LIQUIDATOR offers a ringside seat to Jeff’s fast paced, high stakes, buy-and-sell world. From getting the tip and checking out the goods to making the deal and finding a buyer, we see it all…and it isn’t always pretty.

Broadcasters: Canada
OLN – Showsite
Ztélé (Bell)

Select International Broadcasters:
Discovery International
A&E International

2014 Leo Award Winner -  Best Screenwriting in Lifestyle/Information Series
2015 Leo Award Winner - Best Directing in Lifestyle/Information Series